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Registry easy
Fix PC Errors with Ease.
Easily Scan, Repair and Speed up PC.
Registry Easy™ is an excellent Windows Registry Cleaner that scans your PC and safely cleans errors & invalid entries that cause system slowdowns, freezing and crashing. Registry Easy™ repairs registry problems to make your computer run like new again!
Main Interface
Scan-Repair Problems, Backup-resume and Advance function.
Main Interface Errors Reporting
Scan completed Repairing Succeed
Registry Backup
Backup and fully restore your windows registry.
Registry backupFull Backup
Duplicate File Clear
Find And Clean Unwanted Duplicate Files,Instantly Free-up Your Hard Disk Space.
Duplicate File Options Scanning
Scan completedDeleting Succeed
Junk File Clean
The System and Disk Cleaner allows you to conveniently clean up junk and unwanted files.
Junk File Clean Choose type
Select cleaning options Clean Succeed
IE Restore
Repair Internet Explorer with One Click. Trouble-free tool to restore IE pages. It shows a last visited pages dialog when IE starts up, even after an IE crash, if desired. You can select any last visited pages to open, or close the dialog to open a blank tab. Restore all the pages with one click of the mouse. Recover IE windows with all user-entered web page data intact. Start with the pages you had open when the browser was last closed. Reopen closed windows.
IE Restore IE Restore Alert
BHO Manager
BHO manager lets you remove unused internet explorer plug-ins, to ensure a faster internet experience.
BHO Manager BHO Backup
Evidence Cleaner
One click and your history records are deleted. Protect your privacy!
Clear all tracks Scan Complete
Optimize System
Optimize your PC's start/shutdown/network/IE/Menu's display with one click. Includes option to reset to previous state.
Optimize System Options
Other Function
Startup managementAdd/Remove Program Manager
Block ActiveXError Utilities
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